G20 meet 2023 Live - Multilateralism is in crisis today: PM
G20 meet 2023 Live - Multilateralism is in crisis today: PM

NEW DELHI: The G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting is scheduled to take place in physical format from 1-2 March 2023 in New Delhi under India's presidency. 

There will be representatives from 40 countries, including non-G20 members who were invited by India. The G20 member countries' foreign ministers are due to hear from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who will discuss India's expanding global influence. 

One of the most important G20 gatherings is the one with the foreign ministers. Days after a meeting of the G20 member countries' finance ministers and central bank governors in Bengaluru, which failed to produce a joint communique due to stark disagreements between the Western powers and the Russia-China alliance over the Ukraine conflict, the G20 foreign ministers meeting is taking place.

The foreign ministers likely to talk about how to deal with the slowing economy, rising inflation, declining demand for goods and services, and rising prices for fuel, food, and fertilisers.

Without considering those who will be most impacted by its policies, no organisation can assert its global leadership. The G20 Presidency of India has made an effort to represent the Global South. According to PM Modi, we shouldn't let problems that we can't fix together stand in the way of those that we can.

The G20 has a key role to play in finding the right balance between growth and efficiency on one hand and resilience on the other, says PM Modi.

PM Modi  also said that we must all acknowledge that multilateralism is in crisis today. The architecture of the global governance mad after the 2nd world war was to prevent future wars by balancing competing interests & second to foster international cooperation on issues of common interest.

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