Gaza Ceasefire Urged by Macron: Netanyahu Responds to French President's Appeal
Gaza Ceasefire Urged by Macron: Netanyahu Responds to French President's Appeal

Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron, in an interview published late on Friday, called on Israel to cease its bombing of Gaza and to refrain from causing harm to civilians. Macron expressed that there is "no justification" for the bombings and emphasized that a ceasefire would be beneficial for Israel.

While acknowledging Israel's right to self-defense, Macron stated, "we do urge them to stop this bombing" in Gaza. When questioned about whether he hopes other leaders, including those in the United States and Britain, would join his plea for a ceasefire, Macron responded, "I hope they will."

As Israel faces mounting calls for restraint in its month-long conflict with Hamas, the French President highlighted that France condemns the "terrorist" actions of Hamas. However, he emphasized the need for Israel to halt its bombing campaign. In response to Macron's comments, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that world leaders should be condemning Hamas, not Israel.

Netanyahu stated, "These crimes that Hamas is committing today in Gaza will be committed tomorrow in Paris, New York, and anywhere in the world." Macron, emphasizing the consensus reached at a summit, called for a "humanitarian pause" leading to a ceasefire, aiming to protect civilians unrelated to terrorists.

"The clear conclusion," Macron said, "is that there is no other solution than first a humanitarian pause, going to a ceasefire, which will allow [us] to protect all civilians having nothing to do with terrorists." "Civilians are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop," he added.

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