Gyan Singh sacrificed his life for the country
Gyan Singh  sacrificed his life for the country

Gyan Singh was born in a Sikh family in Sahbpur, a village in Nawanshahar district of East Punjab (now, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar district). He was 24 years old, and a hero in the 15th Punjab Regiment in the British Indian Army, when the Burma expedition was summoned by the Vice-Chancellor for the Second World War of 1944-1945.

On March 2, 1945 in Burma, the Japanese Kamya-Mingyan were in a strong position on the road. Two companies of the 15th Punjab Regiment successfully carried out a massive cordon movement and hid themselves on some high ground about one and a half miles behind the enemy's position. Since all the water supply point was within the enemy's position it was important to fracture it. The attack on the first purpose was successful and a platoon was ordered to attack a village on the right. The platoon attack was carried out with the help of tanks.

Naik Jian Singh was ordered for the regimental aid post, but despite his wounds, requested permission to lead his section until the entire operation is complete. It was accepted. There is no doubt that these acts of supreme hero saved the platoon of Hero Gyan Singh from many casualties and successfully carry out the entire operation with serious damage to enemy. But unfortunately, he martyred in October 6, 1996.

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