If your uric acid has increased, don't eat these things
If your uric acid has increased, don't eat these things

In today's time, suddenly people start having many kinds of problems, this includes the problem of uric acid. Many things should be ignored from eating when this problem occurs. In fact, purine is found in things like cabbage, mushrooms, chicken, seafood, etc. It all aggravates the problem of uric acid because of this, one should not eat these things when it happens. Yes, because it can increase your problem. Now today we are going to tell you about some such things that one should not eat when there is a problem of uric acid.

* Raisins should not eat these things when there is a problem of uric acid. Yes, because it can increase your problem. Although raisins are generally considered to be very beneficial in terms of health, if your uric acid has increased, then you should not eat it at all because 100 grams of raisins contain about 105 mg of purine.   

* Spinach and green peas are also considered to be rich in purine. In fact, spinach is considered to be rich in many types of nutrients, although those with uric acid should not eat it. This can increase the discomfort of swelling and pain in your body. You should avoid eating it.

In winter, people usually like to eat peanuts and it gives warmth to the body. At the same time, it is very beneficial. However, 100 grams of peanuts contain about 75 mg of purine. Due to this, patients with arthritis, gout, whose uric acid increases, should not eat much peanuts.  

Alcohol cannot be said to be good in any way, but if your uric acid has increased, then it is like poison for you. Let us tell you that the amount of purine in alcohol is quite high, due to this, give up its consumption completely.

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