Group of men attacked 'Sikh techie' in California
Group of men attacked 'Sikh techie' in California

New York: An American was brutally targeted by the group of men, as they knocked off his turban and cut his unshorn hair with a knife.

The victim Maan Singh Khalsa, 41, an IT professional in California, was on his way to home when a squad of men travelling in car threw a beer can at his automobile and then shouted that his hair be cut off, after that a man pulled his head out of the window, and cut his hair with a knife.

According to a statement from The Sikh Coalition, the nation's largest Sikh civil rights organisation, "Khalsa drove away from the scene but the men followed him and assaulted him through his open car window, knocking off his Sikh turban and hitting his face repeatedly".

41 year alleged that, “there were five to six white males in their late 20s to early 30s" who abused him and three of them then attacked him physically. He suffered with injuries to his fingers, hands, eye and teeth.”

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