Birthday Special: Ivanka Trump is not interested in politics at all
Birthday Special: Ivanka Trump is not interested in politics at all

Ivanka Trump, the elder daughter of US President Donald Trump who is celebrating her birthday today is not interested in politics. She also tries to stay away from politics.  In an interview with FOX News, she said that her father Donald Trump is well aware of politics.

His political knowledge is superb. She said that she is her father Trump's advisor along with her husband Jaird Kushner. Significantly, she doed not take salary for this work. Even though Ivanka advises her father on various issues. Ivanka is considered a good advisor to Trump along with her husband.

She said that he has no secret agenda. Rather he trusts her. Significantly, Ivanka had opposed Donald Trump's decision to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement. This thing had been in a lot of discussion. Ivanka said that she tries to stay away from politics and has interest in such issues which she is worried about.

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