Know why World Freedom Day is celebrated
Know why World Freedom Day is celebrated

World Independence Day is considered to be a United States federal observance day, declared by President George W. Bush to commemorate the end of communist rule in central and eastern Europe by the Berlin Wall. The mission of this project started in 2001 and is celebrated on 9 November every year.

For the occasion, conservative youth groups such as the Young America Foundation and college Republicans urge students to celebrate the day (which marks "Independence Week," thus marking the beginning of Veterans Day) as a victory over communism. It is organized by celebrating. Through conservative flyer campaigns and activism projects, many conservative political commentators and activists use World Independence Day as an occasion to praise President Ronald Reagan, whom he calls the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. 

On November 9, 2005, President Bush declared World Independence Day. On November 8, 2016, President Barack Obama declared World Independence Day on November 9, 2016. On 8 November 2017, President Donald Trump declared 9 November 2017 as World Independence Day.

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