Lemon is also used in fever, know its benefits
Lemon is also used in fever, know its benefits

In Summer season everyone likes mango, lemon, watermelon which are also beneficial. Today we are going to tell you about the benefits of lemon which are in health. We are sure you will be surprised after knowing them.

Helpful in digestion -  Some components are found in lemon, which increases the production of pitta in the liver. This keeps the digestion right and by taking one glass of lemonade daily, problems like stomach indigestion, flatulence, sour belching are eliminated from the root.

Reduce obesity - To lose weight, start drinking 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water daily. In fact, lemon contains pectin fibre which reduces hunger, which leads to feeling full and disappears of obesity.

Increase energy - The nutrients present in lemon are hydrated and full of oxygen which gives energy to our body.

Kidney detox - Lemon acts like water in the body and it clears the bladder passage and also keeps the PH level correct. At the same time, Harmful prevents bacteria from forming and it protects the urethra from infection.

Effective in fever - It is said that if there is a fever, cold, flu, then lemon juice should be drunk because it causes harmful infection from the body.

Helpful in Asthma - Lemon juice gives relief from breathing problem. With this, lemon can calm a person suffering from asthma.

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