These are the most effective tips to avoid heat in summer
These are the most effective tips to avoid heat in summer

With the arrival of summer, many problems have increased. In the summer, there is a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people and from the daily routine to the diet plan, all the everyday work is done keeping in mind the summer season. However, avoiding heatstroke in the summer is the most important task and for this also people adopt different methods. Now today we are going to tell some tips which will come in handy to avoid the problem of heat.   

Cover the head and skin- Do not forget to cover the head before going out in the scorching sun of summer. Otherwise, you may have problems like headaches and dizziness. Yes, and if that happens, you can take the help of an umbrella or a scarf to cover the head. At the same time, also wear full sleeves clothes to protect the skin from tanning.

Onion- Onion is the panacea to avoid heatstroke. Let us tell you that to avoid the heat if you rub the onions on the nails before going out in the sun, then it does not feel the heat.

Healthy drinks- To avoid heat in summer, do not forget to include healthy drinks like lemonade, shikanji, sharbat, mango juice, fresh fruits and vegetable juice in your diet. By doing this, the lack of water in your body will be completed and the chances of getting heat will be greatly reduced.

Diet- One should avoid going out on an empty stomach in the summer. Yes, because there is a risk of heatstroke. Make sure to include cold things like curd, tomato chutney and coconut in the diet.

Body Mask- To protect the body from the heat, you can make a paste of barley flour and onions before taking a bath and apply it to the body.

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