The rats have become heroes, saving the lives of humans
The rats have become heroes, saving the lives of humans

There are many such heroes around the world who save people by playing on their lives. Now today we are going to tell about the hero who is an animal and is saving humans. Yes, you will not believe by listening but it is true. Yes, rats are heroes in Cambodia because the rats here are saving thousands of lives. Let us tell you that in the village of Trapiang Krasang in Siem Reap province of Cambodia, these rats have helped in destroying them by finding landmines from the land of 788,257 square meters and after that this land has been given back to 19 Cambodian families.

Yes, according to the information received, these rats discovered 170 landmines and these tunnels were buried for many years and were not even torn. It is being told that there was a fear of dying of people and animals due to their explosion and it took only three months for the rats to find and destroy these tunnels and they saved everyone's life by becoming heroes. In fact, these rats are trained to find landmines and this training provides anti-personal landmines detection product development (APOPO).

This institution was started in the year 1997 and it was registered in 2017 as an international non-governmental organization. With the help of its mice, APOPO has worked to save lives by finding landmines in Cambodia, Angola, Zimbabwe and Colombia and so far these mice have discovered more than 1.38 lakh landmines in these countries which are really It is very special.

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