High profile sex racket busted in Patna, 2 vicious criminals arrested for selling girls
High profile sex racket busted in Patna, 2 vicious criminals arrested for selling girls

Patna: High profile sex racket has been exposed in Bihar's capital Patna. Patliputra police station has arrested 2 accused in this case. It is being told that both these accused used to take the girls who had run away from the house under their guise and sell them. Where those girls are forcibly pushed into prostitution. Police have rescued 2 girls who were sold on the spot of the accused. 

At the same time, the police have not yet disclosed the names of the accused so that the investigation is not affected. Patliputra SHO SK Shahi has informed that the total number of people involved in the gang and how many girls the accused have sold so far, is being collected. According to information, some people were operating the gang from Patliputra area. The members of this gang caught the runaway girls in their clutches and sold them in Delhi. There they were forced into prostitution.  

On getting information about this, the police arrested two gang miscreants from the area on Friday. At the same time, two girls were also recovered. A girl recovered was missing from the house for four years. At present, the police is engaged in arresting the absconding members of the gang.

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