Muharram: Know the history of this festival
Muharram: Know the history of this festival

Muharram: This festival is one of the major festivals of Muslim religion. It is said that there is one Rosa of Muharram equal to 30 days. That is, as much fruit is found in 1 day of Muharram, the same fruit is obtained by observing it for 30 days. There is also a tradition of extracting the Tajia during this period. Gumbadnuma Tajiya is made of wood and cloth. In it, the tomb of Imam Hussain is kept, taking out the procession and it is buried in Karbala.

History of Muharram

The history of Muharram belongs to Imam Hussain. Today's Syria is known as Karbala. Yajid had become the Caliphate of Islam on 60th Hijri and he wanted to establish his own all over Arabia. Although Imam Hussain was a big obstacle in his way. Imam Hussain did not want to let Yajid's dream come true. Yajid increased his atrocities with Hijri in the year 61, and then Imam decided to leave the city of Kufah from Medina to Iraq with his family. During this time Yajid's army blocked the path of the Imam. It was 2 Muharram day.

On the day of Muharram, the Imam was stopped by Yajid on the hot desert of Karbala. The entire convoy of Hussain from 6 Muharram was banned for water. The only means of water was the Euphrates River during this time, although still the Imam was not ready to bow down to Yajid. War was declared between the two sides. Hussain's 72 people kept fighting in front of Yajid's 80 thousand army. One by one, Hussain kept burying the bodies of his colleagues and family members, while he was victorious even in the face of hunger, thirst and pain. Even after losing everything, Husain fought the battle alone, the enemy could not spoil him. But one day during the Namaz, Yajidi killed the Imam. It was the 10th day of Muharram. This festival belongs to this day.

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