How is gutter oil extracted in China?
How is gutter oil extracted in China?

Gutter oil has become a big business in China, which is being done on a large scale despite being illegal. This dirty oil is often used secretly, especially by cheap hotels and street vendors. Gutter oil is especially used in spicy food, so that people do not feel its taste. Although the Chinese government has banned the use and production of gutter oil, its business continues in full swing.

How is gutter oil removed?

Gutter oil is collected from gutter manholes, garbage bins or discarded food. It is stored in a drum or bucket, which also contains dirty water, feces and animal parts. The oil is then separated from the dirt to extract the oil. The oil is cleaned and perfumed, and then sold at a cheap price. This is why cheap hotels and street vendors buy it.

How much harm does gutter oil cause to health?

Gutter oil contains many dangerous elements that are extremely harmful to the human body. It contains high amounts of trans fats, which can cause serious diseases, such as cancer. For this reason, gutter oil has been declared illegal in China and its use has been banned.

What is the duration of the sentence?

The use of gutter oil has serious health effects. Its consumption can cause diseases like cancer. The use of gutter oil is illegal in China and there is a provision of punishment for it. Selling gutter oil in China can result in a long prison sentence or death sentence. The longest sentence so far has been 7 years. In 2014, businessman Zhu Chuanfeng was sentenced for selling gutter oil.

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