How Israel's 1996 Bombing Tactics Inspired Modern Warfare Hit At Lebanon
How Israel's 1996 Bombing Tactics Inspired Modern Warfare Hit At Lebanon

On October 19, 1994, a tragic terrorist attack took place on a red-and-white bus in Tel Aviv, resulting in the deaths of 21 people and injuries to over 50. The attack was carried out by Saleh Abdel Rahim al-Souwi, who detonated explosives hidden in a bag. This marked one of the deadliest bombings in Israel's history.

The true mastermind behind the attack, however, was Yahya Ayyash, a 28-year-old known as "The Engineer." Ayyash was responsible for multiple bombings that claimed around 150 lives and injured many more. His background was in engineering; he graduated from Birzeit University in 1991 but turned to Hamas after being denied the chance to study abroad.

Following the Afula car bombing, Israeli intelligence agency Shin Bet placed Ayyash at the top of their most-wanted list. He became a significant threat due to his innovative bombing techniques, which often utilized everyday items. His connection to his family ultimately led to his capture. In January 1996, while trying to call his father, Ayyash unknowingly activated an explosive device hidden in a Motorola phone provided by an informant. This led to his death, just two months after the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

The assassination of Ayyash sent shockwaves through Palestinian communities, where he was viewed as a symbol of resistance. His techniques inspired a wave of violence, including suicide bombings by Hamas in the following years. Even decades later, Ayyash's legacy remains influential among some Palestinians.

In a modern context, Israel's recent operations against Hezbollah have mirrored past tactics. In 2024, Israel detonated thousands of pagers and electronic devices across Lebanon, reminiscent of Ayyash's mobile bombing strategies. This operation involved creating a shell company to distribute these devices to Hezbollah fighters.

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant described the actions as a new phase in the conflict, echoing sentiments from Ayyash's time. As the situation evolves, it raises the question of how Hezbollah will respond, potentially leading to further violence reminiscent of the past.

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