Huge bomb blast at Nashville on the day of Christmas, United States
Huge bomb blast at Nashville on the day of Christmas, United States

The parked motor home, exploded in downtown Nashville as early as 06:30 AM on Friday morning, the Christmas day, blasted minutes after a recorded announcement emanating from the vehicle warned of a bomb. Police has hence concluded it was an "intentional act" that injured at least three people. It was unknown whether anyone was inside the recreational vehicle when it exploded on Christmas morning, but the police reported hours later that investigators had found possible human remains near the site. 

The explosion was powerful that it shattered windows and ripped apart trees, wounding several people when it detonated at 6:30 am (1230 GMT) in a section of the southern US city that was largely deserted due the early hour and the Christmas Day holiday. Police chief John Drake told reporters there were no confirmed fatalities, but authorities were examining tissue found at the blast site that they believe could be human remains. 

Drake and police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters earlier Friday, a recorded message playing from the motorhome warned that a bomb would detonate within 15 minutes, enough time for a bomb squad to clear the area before the explosion. The message captured in a recording broadcast, said, "This area must be evacuated now. This area must be evacuated now. If you can hear this message, evacuate now. If you can hear this message, evacuate now." Three people with minor injuries have been taken to the hospital, reported the fire department. President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden both of them were briefed on the incident, which is being investigated by the FBI and the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. 

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