Hyderabad: NephroPlus released a study on the benefits of vaccination
Hyderabad: NephroPlus released a study on the benefits of vaccination

Hyderabad: Dr Vivekananda Jha, Principal Investigator, NephroPlus, on Thursday released a study on COVID infection in dialysis patients and the benefits of vaccination. Addressing the media, he said that the study showed that patients on dialysis who had received a single dose of the vaccine had a 33 per cent lower risk of contracting COVID infection than those who were not vaccinated. More notable was the halving of the risk of death even if they had contracted the virus," he urged to limit the misconceptions being created by the RMP about the adverse effects of vaccines among dialysis patients.

According to the report, 14,573 patients on dialysis were studied in the first wave of Kovid. On an average, 99 percent of those infected were hospitalized for 12 days and the death rate was 23 percent. Apart from this worrying, according to the report, the impact of not being infected with Kovid on dialysis patients is also widespread.

'The treatment has also greatly affected and discouraged patients from attending dialysis sessions. This resulted in an increase in mortality in the dialysis population from 15 percent in 2019 to 20 percent in 2020. The study sampled 17,662 patients in the second wave. Of the patients tested, 1,111 or 6.2 per cent were infected with Kovid and a staggering 32.76 per cent deaths were seen in these patients. This is much higher than the death rate recorded in the same period in 2019. Senior VP, Clinical Affairs, Nephroplus Dr Suresh Shankarsubbaiyan and others were present in the conference.


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