IAF issued a warning against social media false and malicious news
IAF issued a warning against social media false and malicious news


New Delhi: Amid tension between India and Pakistan, India Security forces have issued a warning against false and malicious information being spread on social media and called the public to guard against such people and not to trust their stories. A tweet from the official handle of Indian Army read "False & malicious creatives & tweets  from terror- sponsors are emerging. Guard against false propaganda against #IndianArmy units. Guard against Lie, Deceit & Deception of terror- sponsors,".

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It is worth mentioning here that the Indian Army tweeted an image that featured fake news about it. "#MisinformationCampaign being run against #IndianArmy. False & malicious creatives & tweets from terror- sponsors are emerging. Guard against Lie, Deceit & Deception of terror- sponso," read another tweet.

On Wednesday, Indian Air Force too had issued a statement warning against misinformation available on social media on the shooting of Pakistan Air Force F-16 by India's MiG 21 Bishon fighter jet. Ir is worth mentioning here that the IAF twitter handle reiterated that Indian shot down Pakistani F-16 jet in the recent aerial combat.

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For security reasons IAF has made it clear about all social media rumors that Tweet  read as "Misinformation on the shooting of Pakistan Air Force F-16 by MiG-21 Bison is being spread on various social media sites. It is to be noted that IAF during the press statement on 28 Feb 19 had clarified that one F-16 of Pakistan Air Force was shot by MiG-21 Bison and it fell across the LoC,".

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