If you are also troubled by the problem of uric acid, then do this work now
If you are also troubled by the problem of uric acid, then do this work now

Uric acid is a substance that is formed by the breakdown of purine elements in the body. Normally it is excreted through the kidneys through urine. But when the amount of uric acid increases, it starts accumulating in the bones and joints, causing problems like pain and swelling.

Symptoms of increased uric acid

  • Joint pain: Severe pain in the lower back, legs, and ankles.
  • Skin changes: Change in color of the skin around the joints.
  • Fever and urine condition: Fever and urine becoming foamy or transparent in colour.

Foods that increase uric acid

  • Red meat and seafood: Excessive consumption of these can increase uric acid.
  • Beer and sugary drinks: Their consumption also increases the level of uric acid.
  • High protein foods: Such as chickpeas, kidney beans, and moong dal.

Doctor's advice: what not to eat

According to Jaipur's Ayurveda expert Dr. Kiran Gupta, sour things like dry mango powder and tamarind should be avoided when uric acid levels increase. Packed juices and processed foods should also not be consumed. Consumption of red meat and pulses should also be limited.

What to eat to control uric acid

  • Fruit intake: You can eat amla, orange, kiwi, cherry, strawberry, cantaloupe, watermelon and lemon in limited quantities.
  • Healthy foods: Consumption of milk, coffee, tomato, cucumber, onion etc. is beneficial.
  • Drinking water: Drinking plenty of water helps in flushing out the waste materials accumulated in the body.

To control uric acid, follow proper diet and lifestyle and consult a doctor in case of any problem.

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