Imp GK: In which year was the 'Central Bureau of Investigation' established?
Imp GK: In which year was the 'Central Bureau of Investigation' established?

1. Which foreigner was first honoured with Bharat Ratna? - Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

2. Where is the Arid Regional Forestry Research Institute located? - Jodhpur

3. 'Godan' and 'Gaban' both are the works of which author? - Munshi Premchandra

4. Who became the first woman Prime Minister of any country in the world? – Srimavo Bhandaranayake

5. When is United Nations Day celebrated? – 24 October

6. How many players are there in the Kabaddi game? – 7

7. What is the approximate percentage of Hindi speaking Indians? – 45%

8. Where is the headquarter of 'UNESCO'? – Paris

9. When is World Environment Day celebrated? – 5 October

10. Which is the first surface-to-surface missile developed in India? - Earth

11. In which state is the Indian missile test site Chandipur? - Odisha

12. Which international award is given for outstanding contribution in the field of journalism? - Pulitzer Prize

13. When was the Industrial Finance Corporation of India established? - 1948

14. From where is the national emblem of India taken? - From the Lion pillar of Ashoka at Sarnath

15. In which year 'Central Bureau of Investigation' was established? - 1953

16. Where is Indira Gandhi Nakshatrashala located in Uttar Pradesh? - Lucknow

17. Who was the first Indian to get the 'Bharat Ratna' award? - Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

18. Which is the oldest democracy in the world? – San Marino

19. The term 'banting block' is related to which sport? - Kabaddi

20. Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? – Amund Sen

Answers to these questions can win you a reward of thousands of rupees.

Test Your GK: Where is the 'National School of Design' located?

Which country is famous by the name of 'Country of Sunrise'?

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