India and France Start Joint Military Exercise 'Shakti' in Meghalaya
India and France Start Joint Military Exercise 'Shakti' in Meghalaya

A new chapter in military cooperation between India and France unfolds as the 7th edition of the joint military exercise "Shakti" kicks off in Umroi, Meghalaya. Designed to bolster the combined military prowess of both nations, the exercise focuses on Multi-Domain Operations in sub-conventional scenarios.

From May 13 to 26, 90 personnel from each side will engage in tactical maneuvers in semi-urban and mountainous terrain. The exercise was inaugurated by Thierry Mathou, France's Ambassador to India, alongside Major General Prasanna Sudhakar Joshi.

The primary goal is to enhance joint military capabilities, aligning with the United Nations Mandate under Chapter VII. With a biennial schedule alternating between India and France, this year's exercise follows the previous edition held in France in November 2021.

India's contingent, led by a Battalion of the RAJPUT Regiment, includes members from various arms and services, with observers from the Indian Navy and Air Force participating. The French contingent, primarily from the 13th Foreign Legion Half-Brigade, mirrors India's strength with 90 personnel.

The exercise drills encompass a range of scenarios, from responding to terrorist threats to establishing command posts and conducting surveillance operations. Emphasis is placed on sharing best practices in Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures to enhance interoperability and camaraderie between armed forces.

Exercise Shakti serves not only to strengthen defense cooperation but also to deepen the bonds between the two friendly nations, fostering a robust bilateral relationship.

India and France Set for 7th 'Shakti' Military Exercise from May 13-26

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