New Delhi: The Information and Broadcasting Ministry had released a press release on Tuesday (December 21, 2021) stating that the Central Government has blocked 2 websites and 20 YouTube channels spreading anti-India propaganda. As per the release, the content on these sites and channels was factually incorrect and spread wrong things against India, so the Government has taken these actions using emergency powers under Rule 16 of the Information Technology Rules, 2021. But do you know what news was spread on these YouTube channels and websites?
A channel like The Punch Line which has 1,16,000 subscribers and has a number of views of 2,01,31,840, spread lies from Kashmir to Ram Mandir. The channel had reported that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has announced the reconstruction of the mosque instead of the Ram temple and this is going to cause trouble to Yogi-Modi. The videos were then uploaded with titles such as 'Imran Khan Zindabad's slogan,' 'Islam accepted in Srinagar by 200 Indian soldiers,' 'India's protest peak in Islamic countries' were then uploaded by Kashmir mujahideen (terrorists) and killed. The title of a video claimed that "Narendra Modi has lost the biggest as the Indian Army has refused to shoot at the Kashmiri people.''
Moreover, videos were uploaded from these channels on several fabricated reports such as 'Joe Biden has asked US Army to enter Delhi,' 'North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has sent his army to Ayodhya,' 'Bipin Rawat's death was not an accident, BJP-RSS had planned for Indian Muslims,' '1000 Assam Muslims have gone to the Taliban for training.' Which has now been blocked by the Government of India.
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