Indian Navy’s MILAN exercise to be held in Vizag from February 25
Indian Navy’s MILAN exercise to be held in Vizag from February 25

Visakhapatnam: Amid growing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, Warships from the Quad countries, France, Myanmar, South Korea, and Vietnam, among others, will join in Visakhapatnam (Vizag) later this week for the largest multinational exercise Milan, hosted by the Indian Navy. The exercise is being carried out without ships by Russia, Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, among others.

Around 42 countries will participate in the drill, which will take place from February 25 to March 4, with ships from over 15 countries. For the first time, the United States will participate in the exercise.

"The MILAN 2022 exercise's theme is 'Camaraderie, Cohesion, and Collaboration,' with the goal of projecting India as a responsible maritime force to the rest of the globe," the Navy said in a statement on Wednesday. "Through professional engagement with friendly navies, the exercise aims to polish operational abilities, internalise best practises and procedures, and facilitate doctrinal learning in the maritime environment."

The inauguration of the Milan village will take place at the opening ceremony on February 26, and an International City Parade with foreign contingents will take place the next day, according to the Navy. An International Maritime Seminar, professional and subject matter expert exchanges, and a Deep Submergence Rescue Vessel (DSRV) demonstration are among the activities, according to the press release.

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