Indian Railways Operates 45 Special Trains for 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' Campaign
Indian Railways Operates 45 Special Trains for 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' Campaign

New Delhi: The Indian Railways has launched an initiative to facilitate the participation of volunteers in New Delhi as part of the 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign, running a total of 45 special trains across the nation.

The Meri Mati Mera Desh or My Soil, My Country (MMMD) campaign aims to honor the sacrifices of the valiant soldiers who gave their lives for the nation. In this noble endeavor, sacred soil and grains of rice have been collected from households all over the country and carefully placed in Amrit Kalash containers.

These materials will play a crucial role in the creation of the 'Amrit Garden' and the 'Amrit Mahotsav of Freedom' memorials at Kartavyapath, near India Gate in New Delhi.

To ensure a smooth journey for the volunteers traveling to Delhi with the Kalash containers filled with sacred soil, the Ministry of Railways has played a pivotal role in organizing Special Kalash Yatra Trains. Extensive arrangements have been made for the reception, felicitation, meet-and-greet events, and the safety and security of the volunteers at railway facilities. A total of 45 Special Kalash Yatra Trains were operated by the Indian Railways for this grand event.

The 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign included the Amrit Kalash Yatra, involving the collection of soil and rice grains from over 600,000 rural villages and urban wards. This collection was sent to block-level centers, where the soil from all the villages in the block was blended. Subsequently, the soil from the state level was transported to the national capital, accompanied by thousands of Amrit Kalash Yatris. The grand finale took place on October 31 at Kartavya Path, Delhi.

The Ministry of Railways has been actively engaged in all events organized under the 'Amrit Mahotsav of Freedom' (AKAM). Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, took part in the event to mark the conclusion of the 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign's Amrit Kalash Yatra. He emphasized that the youth, through collaborative efforts, can collectively achieve the nation's development goals.

"As we conclude one event, we embark on a new resolution... In the 21st century, the 'My India Youth' organization will play a significant role in the country's development. 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' is a testament to how the youth can collectively accomplish any objective," stated PM Modi.

The program also served as the closing ceremony for the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

The 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign encompasses various activities and ceremonies conducted at the panchayat, village, block, urban, local body, state, and national levels. These activities include the construction of Shilaphalakam (Memorials) to express heartfelt gratitude to the bravehearts who made the ultimate sacrifice, the 'Panch Pran' pledge taken by the people at Shilaphalakam, planting indigenous tree saplings, and the development of 'Amrit Gardens' (Vasudha Vandhan) and ceremonies to honor freedom fighters and the families of deceased freedom fighters (Veeron ka Vandan).

The campaign has achieved remarkable success, with over 230,000 Shilaphalakams built in 36 states and union territories, nearly 40 million Panch Pran pledge selfies uploaded, over 200,000 'Veeron ka Vandan' events nationwide, more than 236 million indigenous saplings planted, and 263,000 Amrit Gardens created under the Vasudha Vandhan theme across the country.

The Indian Railways has played a significant role in raising awareness among the public about key events held under 'AKAM,' including the 'Every Home the Tricolor' initiative and 'Partition Horrors Remembrance Day,' as well as 'Freedom Train and Stations,' through its extensive network spanning the length and breadth of the nation.


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