India's investment in Agri sector for Doubling Farm Income
India's investment in Agri sector for Doubling Farm Income

India needs to invest significantly in the modernization of Agri sector, as well as improving and setting up greenfield food processing units to double farm incomes by 2022, german ambassador martin ney said.

The german companies can significantly help in transforming Indian Agri sector towards modernisation, he said.

The doubling of farm income is possible with sufficient investment in modernisation, diversification and high-value addition in the agri-business, ney said.

Indian companies numbering 23 have already formed Agri alliance with their german counterparts to work in the Agri field. Agreements are on the way, as joints efforts are there to make agriculture sector more interesting and profitable for the people especially young generation," the german ambassador to India said.

India-Germany both have bilateral co-operation in food safety, seed development, and agri-education, he said, while highlighting the german presence in the Indian agriculture sector.

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