India's LPG Update: Fiber-Based Composite Cylinders to Replace Steel Models
India's LPG Update: Fiber-Based Composite Cylinders to Replace Steel Models

As of July 1, 2024, there are 32.68 crore active domestic LPG users across India, served by public sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs). To manage this extensive demand and ensure a consistent supply of LPG refills, OMCs have over 50 crore cylinders in circulation, most of which are traditional steel cylinders.

To address future needs and replace older cylinders, OMCs regularly assess their inventory and issue tenders for new cylinders. A recent development in this field is the introduction of composite cylinders. These newer cylinders feature a three-layer construction: an inner liner made of blow-molded High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), a composite layer of polymer-wrapped fiberglass, and an HDPE outer jacket. Although composite cylinders are more expensive than steel ones, they offer several benefits, including reduced weight, resistance to rust, translucency, and enhanced safety.

Currently, composite cylinders are available in limited quantities and are procured through a competitive bidding process from manufacturers who meet tender specifications. OMCs do not have plans to establish their own manufacturing facilities for these cylinders at this time.

To promote the use of composite cylinders, OMCs employ various strategies such as consumer awareness campaigns, banner displays, standees, and pamphlet distribution during home deliveries, among other marketing efforts.

This update was provided by Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Suresh Gopi, in a written response in the Rajya Sabha today.

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