If you want to make Rabri instantly, then try this method
If you want to make Rabri instantly, then try this method

If you are fond of eating sweets then you can make Rabri at home. Rabri is very easy to make at home and it is going to be liked by all the people of the house.

 Material for making rabri-
3 cups full-fat milk
2 bread slices
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup condensed milk

Ingredients for garnish
1/4 tsp cardamom powder

How to make rabri- To make instant rabri, remove the crust of bread slices and throw away. After this, grind the bread slices into a food processor, make fresh bread crumbs and keep aside. Now bring the milk to a boil in a wide non-stick pan. Next add fresh bread crumbs, sugar and condensed milk, mix well and cook on medium flame for about 8 to 10 minutes, stirring continuously and scraping the sides of the pan. Now let the rabri cool completely and let it cool for 2 to 3 hours. After this, garnish with cardamom powder and serve the rabri cold immediately.

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