Popularly known as Mr. Perfect in Bollywood, Aamir Khan's daughter has often been in discussions. His daughter Ira Khan is known for her style. Even after staying away from films, she is often seen in the headlines. Recently she has shared a post from her Instagram account, in which she told that 'a trainer changed her whole life'. In fact, in her post, Ira Khan has also shared many photos and videos of trainer Nupur.
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In her Instagram post, she wrote, "See my happy glowing face? Let me tell you why. (It may not be very happy and glowing but that's because 4-5 years ago, I didn't take too many pictures. So its a cheat picture.) This post is long pending. This is going to sound cheesy and corny and maybe a little creepy but if you have/have had a trainer who's changed your life in small ways for the big way... You'll get it. There are very few people in life who make you a full point happier... Popeye does it for me without trying. Just existing. Leaving the country for college or a long holiday meant "oh shit, I'll miss my boyfriend (if I had one), oh shit, I'll miss my workouts with Popeye, oh shit, I'll miss my pets" and then the rest followed. And all this is before I got him to know as a friend."
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"THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER POST ALL TOGETHER. I clearly remember wanting to text him in college but I had nothing to say because we only talked about workouts and I was too embarrassed about not working out. Chintoo mamu always said, "See, he pushes you more!" after I came home wobbling. Which may sound like a complaint but I couldn't have been happier. He tricks you into doing bizarre things because it looks so smooth and coordinated when he does it. But I'd do everything to try and do it for him. I don't have any photographic evidence from when I was training regularly but swipe right for some cool Popeye instances. Can't wait till he becomes world-famous but lowkey don't want to lose my time slot. @nupur_shikhare I know it doesn't seem like I feel these things anymore and think them. I've completely dropped the ball. For 3 years at least. Thanks for not giving up on me. But I promise I'll be back soon. Must give Saha competition as your favourite/best student.. . "
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