Is eating 'Sushi' good or bad for you?
Is eating 'Sushi' good or bad for you?

Sushi can be a nutrient-dense, power-packed meal that’s high in protein. But, if you’re not careful, it can be a significant source of unhealthy fats, sodium, and calories. Sushi comes in all shapes and sizes and can vary greatly from restaurant to restaurant.

The good of sushi:

Firstly sushi can be a healthy meal if you just stick to the basics, which is rice and seafood; because sushi is made up of seafood it provides high-quality protein. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish benefit your cardiovascular health, plus they're natural anti-inflammatory compounds and play a role in brain function. Choose salmon, trout and tuna if you’re looking to get omega-3 fatty acids. Sushis are wrapped in nori, a type of sea vegetable, rich in nutrients, including minerals (such as iodine) and phytonutrient lignans.

The bad of sushi:

One of the major drawbacks of sushi is its relatively high sodium content. While the nutrition information for sushi differs from roll to roll, and from restaurant to restaurant, many sushi rolls have a significant amount of sodium. Some of the types of fish used to make sushi are high or moderately high in mercury, so it’s best to enjoy these fish in moderation. Frozen sushi is not completely safe either.

The bottom line is that sushi can be quite healthy or unhealthy depending on what ingredients are used; how it is prepared and how much you eat.

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