Know three reasons,Why to have sex before marriage??
Know three reasons,Why to have sex before marriage??

Many of us, Indian teenagers take purity pledge about not having sex till marriage. That purity pledge may be good for our society, but every time, its not as much good as we think.

Having sex before marriage in Indian community is considered as 'SIN', on the contrary when we have sex with our husbands, is considered to be good. Here I am not pointing out any belief system, one can run his/her life according to his belief.

We have heard of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), these are caused when you have sex with multiple partners, if you are monogamous then, no problem. Here are three reasons why to have sex before marriages, which will help you to decorate your love life with your lover who will be your future husband:

You won't be zero during initial months of marriage:

Many of the couple who haven't experienced sex before marriage feel new towards their bond. Your relationship will not be good, if both of you are not satisfied sexually after marriage. Starting some months of marriage will be like having blank sex with someone with whom you were not so close even if, you were.

Purity pledge will affect your mental being:

Many cases came into existence, when girls start getting sex fear, just because to protect their virginity. Girls strive for their virginity till marriage and the day comes, when they will be in intimacy with some one, they suffer from Genophobia (fear of having sex).

Erections, arousal and ejection issues:

If you are having sex first time and you both are planning for a baby that time you will have problems. First sex do not induce proper ejection or erection, even if it causes then, its not necessary that you will be pregnant just after a time of sex.

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