How January 1 Marked the First World Day of Peace, Established by Pope Paul VI in 1968
How January 1 Marked the First World Day of Peace, Established by Pope Paul VI in 1968

A Message of Peace: Reflecting on the World Day of Peace and the Birth of Christ - As we usher in the new year 2025, the message of peace is ever-relevant. The first World Day of Peace was established in the Catholic Church on January 1, 1968, following a proposal by Pope Paul VI on December 8, 1967. This annual observance encourages us to reflect on and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the true peace. The name Jesus itself means "God saves," a reminder of the peace that comes from His incarnation and salvation.

The story of peace is woven through the fabric of history. After World War II, the world sought to establish a new consensus, one that prioritized dialogue over the use of force in conflict resolution. This vision was encapsulated in Pope John XXIII’s 1963 encyclical, Pacem in Terris. Pope Paul VI continued this mission, inaugurating the World Day of Peace in 1967 and setting a precedent that has carried on through successive popes, including John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis.

In his 2004 message, John Paul II highlighted that the efforts of these messages have led to a "science of peace." This consistent teaching advocates for education in peace and legality, emphasizing the importance of building peaceful relations based on dignity, justice, and respect. Whether it is in personal relationships or international diplomacy, the pursuit of peace requires a dynamic integration of charity and fairness.

In addition to these teachings, the pontifical messages address the changing dynamics of global peace. Issues affecting peace, such as violence, injustice, and conflict, are discussed, and solutions are offered, all rooted in the call for reconciliation and unity. At the core of these messages is the reminder that peace is a gift that requires active participation.

Jesus Christ is often referred to as the 'King of Peace.' In His incarnation, the reconciliation between God and humanity was achieved, bringing the first and truest peace to the world. His peace, rooted in the salvation He offers, spreads through all levels of human life. It is through our identity as children of God that we are invited not only to experience this peace but also to become collaborators in bringing it to the world.

The birth of Jesus, heralded by the heavenly message in Bethlehem, underscores the connection between world peace and the Savior’s arrival. The peace that Jesus brings is a liberation from all evil, a peace that transcends the world's conflicts.

The priest’s blessing prayer in the Book of Numbers echoes this divine peace: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you, and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26). This prayer is a call for divine peace, which can only be fully realized through Jesus, the Savior of the world. His power, seen in the humble birth in Bethlehem and the sacrificial death on the cross, is the only force capable of overcoming hatred and transforming leaders of destruction into peacemakers.

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