Just a 30 minutes of facial exercise feel you younger and beautiful
Just a 30 minutes of facial exercise feel you younger and beautiful

Girls! Are you also count yourself getting old and wrinkled? then I am sure that is article will be very useful for you must read. Because here we are bringing you some tips that only in 30 minutes of doing some facial exercises which have to pucker and squeezing the cheeks daily can make you look three years younger, reports a research. Instead of undergoing anti-aging skin therapies and care routines, middle-aged women undergoing this non-toxic method can have a younger appearance with fuller upper and lower cheeks and reduce some visible signs of aging, the study further showed.

“Facial exercises that may be beneficial include those that entail puckering and squeezing the cheeks. There are many muscles that collectively allow movement of the cheeks, and our study showed that building these up makes the upper and lower cheeks look fuller,” told Murad Alam, Professor at the Northwestern University in Chicago, US.

“The exercises enlarge and strengthen the facial muscles, so the face becomes firmer and more toned and shaped like a younger face,” Alam continued. Fat pads present in between the muscle and the skin are responsible for providing firmness to the cheeks and keeping a toned shape of the face. But as the skin starts aging, the face pads too gradually becomes lighter. The sagging of the pads makes the elasticity of the facial skin loose and fall down.

“But if muscle underneath becomes bigger, the skin has more stuffing underneath it and the firmer muscle appears to make the shape of the face more full,” noted Emily Poon, an assistant research professor at the varsity. “Muscle growth is increasing the facial volume and counteracting the effects of age-related fat thinning and skin loosening,” Poon described, in the paper published in the journal JAMA Dermatology. The researchers analyzed that over middle-aged women, aged between 40 to 65 years, who underwent face-to-face 90-minute training sessions from a facial exercise instructor. At home, they continued to do these exercises for a total of 20 weeks.

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