Actor Karishma Tanna Bangera's to-do list for Diwali includes lighting diyas, ordering mithai, making sweets, and buying outfits for Zack and Koko. The actress, who will be spending her first Diwali as a married woman, is looking forward to the holiday with her husband Varun Bangera, mother-in-law, and two puppies, Koko and Zack. Karishma says as she gets ready for the festival, "It is going to be really special.
She continues, "I enjoy celebrating festivals. I'm having a great time right now. It feels very different now. That is how I truly identify as a Desi.
She is doing everything in her power to make sure the day is special for her canines as well, from finding comfortable clothes for her puppies to getting her hands on the right variety of treats for them. "I have a lot of friends who bake sugar-free mithais for animals, taking into account their dietary requirements. I had even ordered sweets for them on Ganesh Chaturthi. I'm going to do the same thing this Diwali as well. I don't want them to wear too much zari in their clothing. Karishma explains her Diwali plans, "I want them to feel comfortable and special.
The Hush Hush actor claims that when around crackers, her puppies behave coolly and collectedly. I already feel like a mother, she adds. When are you going to have a child? is a question I frequently get. My impression is that I already have two. I merely feel [as a mum] in terms of importance and specialness.
Zack doesn't play with toys; instead, he prefers treats and bones, according to Karishma, who also mentions that Zack isn't particularly fond of Diwali gifts. Squeaky toys, however, are Koko's favourite. Consequently, I'm buying a few things for them. They simply get daily pampering from me.
Is there a specific gift she wants this year? The 38-year-old says she's excited for Hush Hush's second season. "They just informed us that the second season is on its way. The writing is already on the wall, so maybe we should prepare for it by next year," she concludes.
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