Karka Sankranti: A Sacred Day for Sun Worship and Charity in Hinduism
Karka Sankranti: A Sacred Day for Sun Worship and Charity in Hinduism

In Hinduism, Karka Sankranti holds great importance as it marks the transition of the Sun God into the Cancer zodiac sign. This year, Karka Sankranti falls on July 16th, when the Sun will enter the Cancer sign from Gemini. On this day, the Sun moves from its northern course to its southern course, a journey that continues until Makar Sankranti.

Hindus consider Karka Sankranti an auspicious occasion for worshiping the Sun God and performing charitable acts. It is believed that offering prayers and performing rituals on this day brings happiness, peace, and prosperity to one's life. According to Hindu mythology, taking a holy dip in a sacred river and offering water to the Sun God washes away all sins and brings blessings.

This year, Karka Sankranti is particularly significant as it coincides with Sadhya Yoga, Shubh Yoga, and Ravi Yoga, making it an ideal time for worshiping the Sun God. Performing rituals and offering prayers during this muhurta is believed to bring long life and special blessings.

To worship the Sun God on Karka Sankranti, one should wake up early in the morning, take a bath, and wear red or orange clothes. Then, fill a copper vessel with water, add red sandalwood, red flowers, and jaggery, and offer it to the Sun God as an offering. While offering the argya, chant the Sun mantra. One can also recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra, a powerful hymn dedicated to the Sun God.

Additionally, one can chant the Sun's beej mantra, "Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah" or the one-syllable beej mantra, "Om Ghreem Suryay Namah," using a red sandalwood rosary. Offering food and clothes to the needy and performing charitable acts on this day is also considered auspicious.

Taking a holy dip in sacred rivers on Karka Sankranti is believed to bring special blessings and reduce sins. In some places, a Rath Yatra festival is also celebrated on this day. Offering black sesame seeds to flowing water and donating them is believed to bring the blessings of one's ancestors.

In conclusion, Karka Sankranti is a significant day in Hinduism that offers a unique opportunity to worship the Sun God and perform charitable acts. By following the rituals and traditions associated with this day, one can bring happiness, peace, and prosperity into their life.

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