Keep these things in mind while uploading photos and videos, otherwise you may get into trouble
Keep these things in mind while uploading photos and videos, otherwise you may get into trouble

Nowadays everyone likes to share their photos and videos on social media. As soon as we click a photo or video, we immediately want to upload it on social media. But during this time it is very important to keep some things in mind, otherwise, you can get into big trouble.

It is important to keep the GPS off

It is very important to turn off GPS (Global Positioning System) on your phone while clicking photos or videos. If you do not turn off GPS, scammers and hackers can get all the information about you. Whenever you click a photo with GPS on, your location (Latitude and Longitude) information is also saved with that photo. This can let anyone know about your exact location, which can put your privacy at risk. Therefore, whenever you take a photo or video, keep the GPS off and also check it before uploading.

Understand and set privacy settings appropriately

It is not right to share all your information on social media. You should only share information that you feel safe sharing with the public. Always try to ensure that your posts are visible only to people you know and trust.

Every social media platform has different privacy settings, understand them well and set them according to your needs. Especially avoid using location tags while uploading photos and videos. If there is any information in your background that can reveal your location, then do not upload it either.

Take care of the safety of children

If you are uploading photos or videos of children, make sure that their school name, uniform, or any other information is not revealed. This can put children's safety at risk. By taking such precautions, you can avoid online stalking and protect your privacy. While using social media, it is very important to keep in mind with whom and how your information is being shared. By taking a little caution, you can avoid big problems and stay safe.

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