Keep these things in your safe, it will be filled with diamonds, pearls and bundles of notes
Keep these things in your safe, it will be filled with diamonds, pearls and bundles of notes

In most households and shops, having a safe or locker is essential to safeguard money. According to astrology, there are several remedies associated with lockers that can enhance wealth.

It is believed that besides money, keeping certain items in a locker ensures continual prosperity at home. Individuals attain material comforts, and the goddess of wealth, Goddess Lakshmi, is said to reside.

What to Keep in Your Locker for Wealth (Locker Upay)

Peepal Leaf: If you are facing financial difficulties, write "ॐ" with red vermilion on a peepal leaf and place it in the locker. Perform this remedy until five Saturdays pass. It is believed to alleviate poverty and resolve financial crises, as Vishnu is believed to reside in the peepal.

Betel Nut: In Hinduism, betel nut is worshipped as Lord Ganesha. During the worship of Lakshmi and Ganesha, perform the betel nut puja and then place it in the locker. It is said that where Lord Ganesha resides, the grace of Goddess Lakshmi showers.

Turmeric Knot: In the Hindu religion, turmeric is used in auspicious and celebratory occasions. It is considered auspicious to tie a turmeric knot in yellow cloth and keep it in the locker. This ensures that there is never a shortage of wealth in the home, and prosperity accompanies happiness.

Installing Yantras: Installing a wealth-increasing yantra or Kubera yantra in the home and keeping it in the locker enhances the influx of wealth. It attracts blessings and ensures prosperity remains constant.

These astrological practices not only serve as cultural traditions but also provide psychological reassurance and a sense of spiritual security. They offer a way for individuals to connect with their beliefs while securing their financial assets.

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