Keep this in mind while driving on the highway
Keep this in mind while driving on the highway

If you are traveling on the highway, keep all the documents of your vehicle like fitness certificate, insurance, tax and pollution certificate complete and correct. Failure to do so may result in a heavy fine.

The process of levying fines with new technology

The Transport Department has installed a new ultramodern machine on the NH which works like a 'third eye'. No vehicle can escape the sight of this machine. Vehicles which lack documents are being fined rapidly.

Function of E-detection system

'E-detection system' has been installed to keep an eye on vehicles lacking documents. This system is working perfectly and so far dozens of vehicles have been fined in Sitamarhi, Bihar.

Instant dissemination of information about fines

When a vehicle passes through a toll plaza and lacks the required documents, a message about the fine is sent directly to the vehicle owner's mobile. There is no delay in this process, and the vehicle owner immediately gets to know about his mistake and the fine.

invoice cutting process

The documents of the vehicles are checked through e-detection system and CCTV cameras installed at the toll plaza. If the required documents of the vehicle are not complete, then an automatic challan is issued. The challan message is sent directly to the registered mobile phone of the vehicle owner.

Statement by officials

According to the District Transport Officer, vehicles are being checked at toll plazas with the help of CCTV and e-detection system and challans are being issued in case of lack of documents.

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