Keeping these things in the house increases Vastu defects, know how to correct it
Keeping these things in the house increases Vastu defects, know how to correct it

To do any work, it is very important to be positive in the mind and the effect of goodness often affects those places where we live or where we work. In the office, attention is given to creating a positive atmosphere and therefore Vaastu is taken care of there. Although it is not in your hands to correct the architecture of the office, but you can cure yourself of your own house of Vastu. It is very necessary to stay at home the right place, if it does not happen then it will be negative in the mind and all the work will get worse. Knowing how to work in a good and pure environment, you can cure the architectural faults of the house.

Do not keep dirty roof

  • The roof is the most essential thing on the head, so keep in mind that there will be no dirt on your roof. If you made the whole house but did not make a roof, it would be difficult to live life. Keep such places clean, but spreading the dirt on the roof, you will have to suffer from mental


  • If there is junk or dirt on the roof then tension increases on the head and the man comes under the influence of mental stress. If you have to keep any luggage on the roof then keep in mind that keep it in the south-western corner of the ceiling.


  • Trees should be planted around the house or on top of the roof so that the shade remains on the roof. However, keep in mind that tree plants should not be fruitful or prickly.


  • Do not keep the junk or other spare things in the house and if necessary keep the store room in the southwest corner and try to keep the non-essential stuff in the same store.


  • If the plaster of your home is breaking down, do not ignore it because it has energy in the house.


  • Do not keep the jute pot in the house for a long time. Bacteria begin to thrive in the jute utensils and this leads to problem of Vastu defect in the house.


  • Do not bathe in the house after sunset because it makes the home's Lakshmi Ruth.


  • Even if the house is old and you are about to leave, do not ignore it and keep doing paint repairs from time to time.


  • Never put shoes and slippers in the house anytime. If you have to use slippers in the house, keep a sandal inside the house and do not take it out because it comes to the house with grunting and negativity spreads along the dirt.

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