How Much Sugar Should You Put In Milk For Babies
How Much Sugar Should You Put In Milk For Babies

Milk has always been called a treasure trove of nutrition. It is rich in calcium, protein, and vitamin D, along with vitamin B12, magnesium, and potassium. Milk is extremely important for the growth of children, especially as the child grows older and mother's milk changes to cow's milk. Milk helps in the development of bones, teeth, and muscles, and also helps in increasing height. But it is often seen that people add sugar to children's milk, which can be harmful for health. Let's know what experts say about this and what are the ways to avoid it.

Harmful effects of adding sugar to milk

According to expert Dr. Kiran Gupta, milk is considered as a source of nutrition so that the child's strength increases and he remains healthy. Milk contains important nutrients like protein and calcium. But when sugar is added to milk, these nutrients are not properly absorbed by the body. Sugar mixed with milk adds extra calories and sugar to the body, which can also cause worms to grow in the stomach. This can spoil the digestion of the child and he may have frequent loose motions.

Changes in children's mood

Adding sugar to milk daily not only affects the physical health of the child, but it can also change the child's mood. Consumption of sugar can cause problems like hyperactivity, irritability, and crying in children. It can also affect their behavior and spoil their mood.

stomach worms problem

Stomach worms are a common problem in children, but it can also be caused by excessive consumption of sugar. Apart from dirty hands or polluted water, sugar can also cause stomach worms. It can also cause anal rashes, which can bother the child a lot. Dr. Kiran Gupta says that artificial things, such as canned milk and sugar, should not be given to children till at least two years of age. Instead, they should be given healthy and natural things.

Healthy foods for kids: To provide proper nutrition to kids, focus on natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. You can soak wheat sprouts, dry it, lightly roast it and make a powder. Mixing this powder with dal, semolina, or other foods gives more nutrition to the child. This will be beneficial for their health and will keep them healthy.

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