Know the great way to avoid cyber fraud
Know the great way to avoid cyber fraud

In recent times, cases of cyber fraud have increased rapidly in the country, and fraudsters have now started cheating people by adopting new methods. Recently a new method of fraud has come to light, in which fraudsters are cheating people in the name of electricity checking. In this method, fraudsters come to your house in the guise of electricity department employees and extort money from you by scaring you.

How is cheating happening

Now let us tell you how this fraud is being done. The thugs come to your house on the pretext of checking electricity and tell you that the reading of your electricity meter is showing less. After this, they scare you by saying that you have tampered with the meter and now the police will be called and a case will be registered against you under section 420.

Due to this fear, many people get scared and start giving money to the fraudsters. The fraudsters demand 50 thousand or 1 lakh rupees from you, and say that if you give this amount, the matter will end here. Due to this fear, many people give money and become victims of fraud.

Ways to avoid it

To avoid this type of fraud, you need to be cautious. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. Inform the police if you have any doubts
    If any employee of the electricity department comes to your house and you doubt his identity, immediately call the police by dialling 112. With the help of the police, you can ensure whether the person is genuine or not.

  2. Never give money
    Never give money to any employee of the electricity department. If they ask you for money, it is a big sign that something is wrong.

  3. Ask for ID
    Ask the person for their identity card (ID). Electricity department employees are required to present their ID. By looking at their ID, you can make sure whether it is genuine or not.

  4. Confirm with Electricity Department
    If you notice any suspicious activity, immediately contact your nearest electricity department office and confirm the situation.

  5. File a police report
    If you become a victim of fraud, immediately file a police report. This will help you get justice and punish the fraudsters.

It is necessary to be alert to avoid new methods of cyber fraud and scams. Criminals who cheat in the name of electricity checking are now reaching your home and taking money from you by intimidating you. If you are careful and alert, you can avoid this type of fraud. Keep in mind, always be cautious of the people around you and report any suspicious activity immediately to the concerned department or police.

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