Know interesting things about Novak Djokovic who born amidst bomb
Know interesting things about Novak Djokovic who born amidst bomb

Novak Djokovic, who joined the group of greatest tennis players by winning the 8th Australian Open title, has given attention to vegetarianism, yoga for this great form. The Serbian tennis star born in the war-torn Belgrade learned tennis by practicing in a dry swimming pool. Now live in a castle-like house in Monte Carlo with a record $ 140 million. Djokovic, who has faced many ups and downs in his career, now looks more mature and mature than before.

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According to reports, he won the Wimbledon final which lasted nearly 5 hours last year and the Australian Open final which lasted 5 hours 53 minutes in 2012. The 32-year-old Djokovic, who has won 17 Grand Slams so far, is eyeing the records of Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Djokovic's routine is unique and exemplary. He gets up with his family before sunrise, watches the sunrise and then hugs the family, singing together and doing yoga. Djokovic, a father of two children, is completely vegetarian.

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In the Netflix documentary 'The Game Changers', he said, 'Hopefully I can inspire other players to adopt vegetarianism'. He celebrated the 8th Australian Open win by not partying but climbing a fig tree in the Botanical Gardens of the city. He said, 'This Brazilian fig tree is my friend on which I like to climb. This is my favorite job. Djokovic, who won the Australian Open for the first time in 2008, won 11 of 24 Grand Slams between 2011 and 2016 and reached the final of seven. He then struggled with a bad round and an elbow injury but returned to form after 2017 Wimbledon. Meanwhile, he took refuge in spirituality and participated in long meditation sessions. This made him more tolerant and satisfied.

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