LIVE: Vijay Rupani straggling, Alpesh Thakor leading in Gujarat; in Himachal Pradesh, BJP at 24, Congress 12
LIVE: Vijay Rupani straggling, Alpesh Thakor leading in Gujarat; in Himachal Pradesh, BJP at 24, Congress 12

LIVE: Vijay Rupani straggling, Alpesh Thakor leading in Gujarat; in Himachal Pradesh, BJP at 24, Congress 12

Accompanied by stiff security, the counting of votes for 182-seat Gujarat Assembly commenced at 8 am on Monday to select by ballot the new government for the state.

Security men have been set up outside the counting centers to stay away from any untoward situations.

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) AK Joti, in the intervening time, today guaranteed that there was no tampering with the EVMs as asserted by Congress. "Questions being raised about EVMs have already been answered by us in the media. VVPATs were there in every polling stations in Gujarat, which enabled voters to see whom they voted for, so issues being raised aren't right. I assure that EVMS cannot be tampered with," Joti said.

The final consequences are going to be out at 5 pm and will be posted on Election Commission's website, even though trends by 12 pm will make it which is coming to power.

Both the ruling Congress and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are confident of their victory.

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