low sperm count is the indicator of poor health
low sperm count is the indicator of poor health

According to a study, Men are more likely to have a number of health issues that raise their risk of illness if they have a low sperm count. The study carried out by the University of Padova in Italy claims that low sperm count by itself is associated with metabolic alterations, cardiovascular risk, and low bone mass.

Ferlin, now an associate professor at University of Brescia in Italy, said, "Infertile men are likely to have important co-existing health problems or risk factors that can impair quality of life and shorten their lives. She further added, "Fertility evaluation gives men the unique opportunity for health assessment and disease prevention,"

The finding of the result shows that about half the men had low sperm counts and were 1.2 times more likely to have greater body fat (bigger waistline and higher body mass index, or BMI) compared to those with normal sperm counts. They were also more likely to have higher blood pressure, "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides, and lower "good" (HDL) cholesterol.

Researchers further said,  They also had a higher frequency of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of these and other metabolic risk factors that increase the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

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