Lunar Eclipse 2023 Begins: Do’s and Dont’s, And What More to Follow
Lunar Eclipse 2023 Begins: Do’s and Dont’s, And What More to Follow
The much-awaited lunar eclipse, known for its astrological and astronomical significance, is set to grace the night skies. On the eve of October 28, 2023, and extending into the early hours of October 29, 2023, a partial lunar eclipse will cast its celestial glow across the planet. This captivating celestial event is poised to capture the attention of skywatchers in India as well.
Notably, this year's lunar eclipse holds an augmented significance, thanks to its alignment with Sharad Purnima and the convergence of rare yogas, including Gaj Kesari and Ravi yogas.
Date and Time of the Lunar Eclipse in Uttar Pradesh
Commencing with the Partial Lunar Eclipse in UP
Lunar Eclipse Commencement – 01:00 AM IST, October 29, 2023
Lunar Eclipse Conclusion – 02:10 AM IST, October 29, 2023
Understanding the intricacies of a lunar eclipse entails recognition of its two primary phases: the umbra and penumbra. It is crucial to note that the commencement and conclusion of the umbra phase, marking the eclipse's most pivotal moments, warrant utmost vigilance and precautions.
Penumbra's Arrival in Uttar Pradesh
Initial Penumbra Contact – 11:20 PM, October 28
Final Penumbra Contact – 03:30 AM, October 29
Umbra's Arrival in Uttar Pradesh
Initial Umbra Contact – 01:00 AM
Final Umbra Contact – 02:10 AM
Observing the lunar eclipse in India also necessitates adherence to Sutak customs.
During the Sutak kaal, individuals are advised to abstain from eating, sleeping, and making contact with sacred or religious objects.
It is recommended to engage in mantra recitation and focus on positive affirmations during the Sutak Kaal. Chanting mantras dedicated to Maa Laxmi or the Moon is a spiritually enriching practice.
Chandra Grahan 2023: Sutak Timings in UP
Sutak Commencement – 02:10 PM, October 28
Sutak Conclusion – 02:10 AM, October 29
However, it is important to note that pregnant women, children, the elderly, and individuals in poor health need not rigidly adhere to Sutak kaal customs. As long as one's well-being and physical condition allow, they may partake in the celestial spectacle:
Sutak Timings for Children, Pregnant Women, the Elderly, and the Ailing in UP
Sutak for Children, the Elderly, and the Ailing Commencement – 08:30 PM, October 28
Sutak for Children, the Elderly, and the Ailing Conclusion – 02:10 AM, October 29
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