Mac Compatibility and Microsoft Office Support is the New Add-On Wine 2.0
Mac Compatibility and Microsoft Office Support is the New Add-On Wine 2.0

The Wine is something which done the miracle in the open source field. Wine is a free of cost open-source toolkit which helps UNIX- based operating system for running windows software. Wine is now having its 2.0 version. This new update comes with various new features but the two most important ones are supported for 64-bit software on Macs, and the ability to run Microsoft Office 2013.

The new version brings about some 6,600 changes, according to the development team. It is the result of over a year of work and marks the beginning of a new annual release cycle. Other than the banner Mac and Microsoft Office features, Wine 2.0 offers improved font handling and graphics, an improved clipboard with better drag-and-drop support, better system tray notifications, improved support for non-English languages, and much more. More graphics cards are now supported, and support for Direct3D is greatly expanded. Many more applications and even games will work with Wine 2.0 compared to previous versions.

Although developers are still working on those features which are not ready for this update and they will take place in the future edition of the Wine. Some of those features are as follows Direct3D improvements, full support for the Windows Human Interface Device hardware profile, and an Android graphics driver.

If you are the developer and needs Wine 2.0 you can download the latest version from the official website of the Wine, which is

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