'Magic Mushrooms' Can Help Smokers Break the Habit
'Magic Mushrooms' Can Help Smokers Break the Habit

You know that smoking is a bad addiction. It has many disadvantages, but still, people don't quit it. That's where it's a little difficult for those who want to leave. They suddenly don't come out of this addiction. But magic mushrooms can help you if you want to leave it. According to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the psilocybin pill made from the squeeze of magic mushrooms has helped a lot of smoking for a long time. Know about it.

In fact, the research was conducted on ten men and five women who smoked about 19 cigarettes a day for 30 years. These people were given two different doses of psilocybin pill (psilocybin) at different times. Six months later, researchers found that 80 percent of these people had almost lost their smoking habits. Magic Mushrooms can help you get rid of this addiction. You can also skip it with other tips.

Some easy tips to quit smoking

First, you can reduce the number of cigarettes. For example, reduce two to three cigarettes every day.

Smog is usually addictive after eating or in stressful conditions. When you start smoking enough cigarettes regularly, your system gets addicted to nicotine as much.

Try reducing two packets to one packet in the first 15 days. This will reduce 5 packets in another 15 days over the next five days.

Let your well-wishers know that you've quit smoking. This will give you confidence and they will remind you again and again.

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