Maharashtra BJP calls for protest, demands restart of local trains for vaccinated people
Maharashtra BJP calls for protest, demands restart of local trains for vaccinated people

BJP in Maharashtra has announced a protest against the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government and has demanded resuming of local train service in Mumbai for the general public who have been inoculated with both doses of Covid-19 vaccine.

The leader of Opposition in Council, Praveen Darekar, will be holding the protest at Churchgate station on Friday morning. Earlier, it was indicated that the fully vaccinated passengers could be permitted to travel unrestricted in suburban train services, but the latest announcement on the ease of Covid-induced lockdown did not offer the required respite. Mumbai Congress chief Bhai Jagtap had also demanded that the local train service should at least restart for those inoculated with both doses of COVID vaccine.

As for Mumanbi, Local trains being the primary and the most convenient mode of transport, several train commuters associations and the general public are demanding restarting of the service for all. During the second wave of COVID-19, the Maharashtra government had put restrictions on local train travel fearing the spread of the virus. Currently, the local trains are running only for staff related to essentials services. 

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