Plasma therapy failed in Mumbai, corona patient dies
Plasma therapy failed in Mumbai, corona patient dies

Mumbai: Plasma therapy (Plazma Therapy) had shown a ray of hope in India, which is suffering badly from the coronavirus epidemic. But now news has come from Maharashtra that has dashed the hopes of the doctor and the government. Actually, the first corona infected patient to take plasma therapy in Maharashtra has died.

First use of plasma therapy failed, corona patient died

The 53-year-old patient succumbed during treatment at Leelawati Hospital in Mumbai on April 29. The patient was on a ventilator for the past several days and was given plasma therapy four days ago. A 200 mL dose was given to the infected patient by taking the plasma of a patient who had recovered from the corona. Sources related to the hospital say that the patient was admitted 10 days ago and his condition was very critical. Even after all the remedies were not effective, he was given plasma therapy.

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Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has said that after the approval of ICMR, plasma therapy is being used as a treatment for corona. However, there is no concrete evidence of the patient recovering from plasma therapy so far and it is being used experimentally.

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