Man had trouble breathing for a long time, even doctors were stunned to know the reason
Man had trouble breathing for a long time, even doctors were stunned to know the reason

Recently, such an incident has come to light. Where a person had been facing problems breathing for a long time. On getting it tested by the doctor, it was found out about one thing that you will also be surprised to know after knowing. A 38-year-old man had been facing a lot of problems breathing from the right nostrils for years. Then, the man went to a clinic called Mount Sinai where he came to know of a truth that caused the ground to slide under his feet. The man underwent a rhinoscopy. Rhinoscopy is a procedure in which a tube is inserted into the patient's nose to test it. There is a camera in the tube. The test found that a tooth had grown in the back of the man's nose, which looked exactly like a bone.

The same doctors wrote in a December report in the New England Journal of Medicine that the man had not suffered any injuries on his face. Nor was there any disparity visible on the head and face. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons Dr Sagar Khanna and Dr Michael Turner examined it thoroughly and found a hard, white object inside the man's right nostrils.

The size of this tooth was 14 millimetres, which was removed by the doctors without any problems. Three months after removing it, the man was tested again in which everything was found to be normal. At the same time, the person was not having any problem with breathing. According to Australian orthodontist Dr Peter McMahon, ectopic teeth are not uncommon, due to the lack of space in the gum line, they can grow in any part of the mouth. This problem can also be genetic. Many more cases of this type have been reported. 

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