Manila International Airport to shut down and thousands of people evacuated after Volcano eruption
Manila International Airport to shut down and thousands of people evacuated after Volcano eruption

Smoke rose more than two and a half thousand feet, due to this situation, earthquake tremors are being considered. Let me tell you that the tremors of earthquake among the explosions, hot ashes spread in the air and people fleeing from its horror. This view is from Manila, Philippines. Behind all these pictures is the merciless Tal Jwalamukhi, which is on fire again after four decades. History is witness that whenever this volcanic eruption has taken place, many lives have come. Because of this, it has been decided to close the international airport in Manila.

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The history of volcanoes has been very painful. It is said that it is included in the world's smallest volcanoes, but in 1911, the most voluminous form of this volcano was seen. At that time, more than 1300 lives were lost. In 1756, its people had spent six months in its horror. There was hot ash coming out of this volcano. A large area came under its grip.

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In 1965, 190 people died due to volcanic eruption. For decades, this volcano has made the lives of people here hell with their ashes and lava. There have been blasts in this volcano in 1966, 1967, 1968, 1977 also. Even today, ten thousand people are under the shadow of it because of it.

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