Mediators Call for Immediate Ceasefire Agreement between Israel and Hamas
Mediators Call for Immediate Ceasefire Agreement between Israel and Hamas

Gaza: Mediators involved in resolving the Gaza conflict have urged Israel and Hamas to finalize a ceasefire and hostage release deal outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden. The proposed agreement, if implemented, would provide immediate relief to the people of Gaza and the hostages and their families.

According to Biden's proposal, Israel has suggested a six-week ceasefire with a partial military withdrawal and the release of some hostages, while negotiations for a permanent end to hostilities continue through mediators. However, Israel has emphasized that there will be no formal end to the war as long as Hamas remains in power, raising questions about the timing and interpretation of the truce offer.

The U.S., Egypt, and Qatar have been working to mediate an end to the conflict for months, but reaching a deal has proven challenging. Despite some tentative acceptance from Hamas, the group has not yet received detailed information about the proposed agreement.

Israel has insisted on suspending the war in exchange for the release of hostages but remains committed to eliminating the Hamas threat. However, Hamas wants any deal to involve concrete Israeli actions to end the conflict, such as a full troop withdrawal.

The proposed agreement has sparked debate over the future of Hamas, with Israeli and U.S. viewpoints potentially differing on the issue. While Israel sees the deal as a way to prevent Hamas from regenerating its military capacity, Hamas remains committed to its goal of destroying Israel.

The conflict, which began in October, has resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction in Gaza. Both Israel and Hamas have faced internal pressure to end the war, with concerns about the fate of the hostages and civilian suffering driving calls for a ceasefire.

In the United States, President Biden has called on Israel to resist pressure to continue the war indefinitely and has emphasized the need for a negotiated settlement. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address Congress, where he is expected to discuss the ongoing conflict and Israel's efforts to achieve peace. Opposition leader Yair Lapid has expressed support for a ceasefire deal, indicating that it would likely receive parliamentary approval.

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